Our Partner Schools Show
in Math Proficiency

in Confidence

How it works
Instant Support Personalized for Every Student

Real-time, targeted feedback to close learning gaps.
Scaffolded guidance to build mastery and confidence.
Independent problem-solving without giving away answers.
30+ languages supported, including Spanish.

Identify & Close Learning Gaps in Real Time

See how students think with AI-powered conversation insights.
Monitor and engage the entire class in real time.
Enable targeted small group instruction through AI-driven learning gap analysis.
Aligned & Differentiated Learning

Integrated with 50+ curricula, including Illustrative Math, for seamless classroom use.
Fully aligned to state standards for grades 3-12.
Designed for differentiation, offering 10,000+ handcrafted problems across three difficulty levels.

Fill Learning Gaps with Personalized Paths

Target gap skills with built-in alignment to NWEA MAP and Renaissance Star.
Track skill mastery effortlessly with the teacher dashboard.
Seamlessly upload reports for effortless alignment.
Teacher Voices
Thinkverse helped my students build their math persistence and confidence, particularly in learning how to ask questions and in becoming more independent learners.
Dr. Michael Gorse, Algebra 1 Teacher